Deborah Glover - Editor PCNR
BSc (Joint Hons), Dip. Care Policy & Management, RGN

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Primary Care Nursing Review (PCNR)! PCNR is a bi-monthly journal aimed at and other health professionals working in all areas of primary care across the UK.
You may be wondering why on earth we’ve decided to launch another journal – and you wouldn’t be alone in thinking that, it’s crossed our minds once or twice too! However, this is something very different. There is a plethora of worthy nursing and health titles about all aspects of care, but often these are hard work to read and only focus on a limited number of subjects which may not truly reflect the complexity of healthcare issues that arise in your day to day role. How many of you intend to read your favourite journal, but end up just staring at the pile accumulating on the floor thinking ‘I must get around to reading those…’?
We thought so! That is why we have produced something a little ‘off-piste’. We hope you will quickly get used to our format – I am slowly getting there myself.
PCNR is It is unique in a number of ways:
- the site has been designed and developed specifically to optimise viewing on tablets and smart-phones. You will be familiar with print journals just uploading a ‘page-suite’ version onto a website; you then spend a lot of time pinching or zooming in and out on the page to read it, and you have to read it sequentially, rather than just going straight for the stuff you want. PCNR automatically adjusts to your viewing platform and will work whether you read it in portrait or landscape. Play with it, and you'll see it works on any device well… just about anywhere
- PCNR will be available shortly as an App on Apple iOS devices (iPhone/iPad/iPad Mini), and as you have already discovered is also accessible through this HTML 5 coded website optimised for users of Android or other operating system mobile devices. Users may also access the content from a traditional desktop/laptop
- we aren’t hide-bound by the number of pages available; we can put in as much or as little as you want
- we can be more responsive to your needs because we aren’t always thinking in pounds, shillings and pence (anyone under 48 may want to look those up…) as most other journals do. We can give you what you want irrespective of whether or not an advert can be sold alongside it
- our clinical articles will be short and to the point. We all get a bit bored with the usual format for publication (tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them and then tell them what you’ve told them), and we’re fed up with the same opening sentences to every article – ‘the incidence of pressure ulceration/urinary incontinence/eczema in the UK is… and it costs the NHS…’. Our articles will go to the heart of what you need to know, and will direct you to the background reading/further information you require so you can read that at your leisure
- the clinical section will be a mix of peer reviewed and interest articles. Similarly, product focuses and reviews have a discreet place of their own – we won’t pass them off as clinical articles
- it’s free!! Free to you as the reader, and free from copyright. We want you to share content via Twitter or Facebook – just do it, you don’t need permission from us, although we would like an acknowledgement as the source
- the content will include elements that only an online platform can offer, such as levels of interactivity and live web links to external sites. Article content can be shared through social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn etc.
- we won’t send you sales (product) emails. We’ll only email you if we have something to tell you
I could go on, but you’ll see what it’s all about as you use it. I’d welcome your feedback, ideas for articles and features, and most importantly your contribution. If you have something to say, or have an article you want to write, please drop me an email: deborah@pcnr.co.uk, Tweet us or leave a comment on our Facebook page.