Top Ten Tweets That Travelled Through The Timeline - Issue 6
1. Not strictly a Tweet and a little self indulgent we know, but we are flattered
Mary Fickling (Via LinkedIn)
"Issue 6 of PCNR is out now and can you believe that this super online journal is celebrating its first birthday?! DEEP OSCILLATION therapy appeared in the 1st edition and we have had so much feedback from that, so thank you and well done to the PCNR team for giving people a platform to place articles and voice opinions who might not always have be given that opportunity. Great concept..."
2. Just one of a number of excellent posts at
Crash ?#constantcontact ?
3. Our new friends at Academy of Fab NHS Stuff. Check them out...
Don’t wait for the rainbow, the pot of golden ideas will be found at ?
4. Public Health England, Dementia Awareness Week
PHE is committed to a range of projects to tackle ?#dementia. Find out more ? ?#DAW2015
5. Salus Digital – Mental Health Awareness Week and other healthcare App related info.
Digital mental health: Therapy for everyone
? … ?#MHAW15 ??#mentalhealth
6. Some light relief from our American cousins
Nursing Jocularity ?@FunnyNurse
Humor is survival in this line of work.

7. And some from the UK.... For balance of course.
Community Nursing @MatronChris
Bristol Stool Chart

8. Who can resist ducklings in Spring? Oh, and there’s a great blog by the JRF too
Joseph Rowntree Fdn. ?@jrf_uk
Lunchtime/Midweek interlude: Here's an update on our resident ducklings (P.S. read our blogs ? ).

8. London Fire Brigade name checks the excellent RAFT charity
London Fire Brigade ?@LondonFire
Touched by ?@ClaudiaWinkle's story then check out ?@RaftCharity who look after burns victims ?
9. Will hand washing ever not be an issue that needs reinforcing?
QEHB’s infection prevention and control team visit wards as part of their ?#safeHANDS road show ?
10. In a time when its hard to predict the future of nursing, it’s nice to remind yourself why you do what you do
Fantastic video from ?@QNI_Scotland featuring community nurses talking about why they love their job ?#communitynursing ?