1. Big fish, little fish...
AcademyOfFabNHSStuff ?@FabNHSStuff
Is ?@RoyLilley telling ?@DrBruceKeogh about the size of the red herring he caught ?

2. As long as the same tools are made available to everyone...
patientopinion ?@patientopinion
"We are in a position to help patients more than at any time in history if we take advantage of tools now available" ?
3. And you thought Buzzfeed was only for of images of amusing cats.
ColitisAndCrohnsHQ ?@ColitisCrohnsHQ
A Man With Crohn’s Disease Shared A Photo To Prove That Looks Can Be Deceiving And It Went Viral ?
4. Could you just?.... Oh.
Nurse Problems ?@Nurse_Problems
I don't end my shift and walk to my car. I survive and sprint away before before someone asks me for something.
5. Oh no! The NHS is going to collapse. Again.
NHS facing financial collapse without more cash, warns London trust chief ?
6. Week commencing 21st November. Get involved.
TerrenceHigginsTrust ?@THTorguk
You can still get FREE National HIV Testing Week resources to support what you're doing: ?
7. Congratulations to all the medical staff who made this happen. A truly heroic effort.
Today ?#SierraLeone enters a 90-day phase (until Feb 2016) of enhanced surveillance. WHO will continue supporting ?
8. We'll be there. 9-11th November.
Wounds International will be at Wounds UK, Harrogate. Visit our stand for news about our latest activities
9. Yet more evidence that nurses using social media can achieve almost anything.
WeDistrictNurses ?@WeDistrictNurse
We really didn't think it could happen
Then we thought it might
NOW - it really is
All the thanks are down to YOU!!!
10. #Nursinghumour