Association of Continence Advice annual conference

Education and Societies

While the rain in Birmingham managed to dampen most things, it failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the delegates, speakers and exhibitors at the annual Association for Continence Advice (ACA) conference, held at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole hotel.

The conference organising group did themselves proud! Both days were packed with plenary sessions, workshops and special interest group presentations.

The morning of the first day comprised a number of presentation centred on the impact of dementia on continence. From prevalence through to the professionals’ experience and a carers view, the issues raised were thought provoking and reflected the challenges posed to the patient, carer and professional.

The afternoon sessions explored both clinical and managerial aspects, such as troubleshooting and measuring outcomes. Both the bowel and pelvic floor special interest groups presented sessions.

Day two began with a session on the impact of female genital mutilation on continence. This was a very timely presentation as this issue is very much in the news at the moment. After this, speakers presented research results relating to devices for intractable urinary incontinence following radical prostatectomy, a redesign of continence services, and the availability of public lavatories on Guernsey!

Oral free papers were also presented and a number of posters displayed.