Issue 12
Comment and Opinion

Patient leaders are an asset to healthcare. In this blog, David Gilbert shares his toughts on being a patient leader.

For more of David's thoughts and insights, please go to:

Issue 12
Comment and Opinion

Does your organisation care for its carers? Not all do, as evidenced here by Brian.

Issue 12
Comment and Opinion

As regular readers will know, Frank Booth has been informing and entertaining us with his words based on years of expereince as a nurse and a rather poorly patient! However, despite his robust 'you're not going to get me' attitude to his various ailments, and his acceptance that his was a road that wasn't going to end with a miracle cure, his recent experience rather slapped him in the face.

Read about it here....

Issue 12
Comment and Opinion

Another Olympic and Paraolympic Games has ended. We have watched sports we didn't even know existed, and briefly flirted with the idea that running for the bus was adequate training for the 2020 games...

Here, Joan shares his thoughts on healthcare and how we need to embrace the Olympic ideals