Issue 14
Comment and opinion

As health care professionals, most of us use a little black humour to help us through the tough, horrrific or emotional moments. And we sometimes feel a little guilty about that. So it's reassuring to know that those we care for can also find some humour in their darkest hours.

Given that Mark Pritchard and his wife Sarah had the metaphorical book thrown at them health-wise when Mark had a brain haemorrhage and Sarah developed breast cancer, you'd think that finding a funny side would be akin to finding a Sorbo ring on a pressure ulcer prevention policy, but they did.

A brilliant read!

Issue 14
Comment and Opinion

In previous blogs, shared in PCNR, David has strongly advocated for meaningful patient engagement and his role as a patient Director. Here, he blogs about returing to work after a period of 'pationt-hood'.



Issue 14
Comment and Opinion

The first article Joan wrote for us was about the 6Cs ( We had been in a Twitter discussion about the concept; I was 'fairly outraged' of North London, as I felt that this was fundamental to nursing and should not have to be so baldly stated in a document. Joan however, saw it in a completely different way, so I invited him to pen a piece outlining his view*.

Since then, he has contributed to every issue, and has tirelessly tweeted on our behalf. It's been such a pleasure working with him and seeing how he has progressed to being the Roaring Nurse whom we all love.


*I wasn't expecting him to channel his inner 'vonTrapp family' though!

Issue 14
Comment and Opinion

As it's the last issue, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share my thoughts once more.

With the upcoming General Election, the NHS is on everyone's agenda. And of course, so is the future of nursing...