Revalidation, due to be implemented in 2016, will affect all Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) registrants. Revalidation is the new process by which all nurses and midwives every three years, will declare and demonstrate that they remain fit to practise. As a consequence, it is the most important change to NMC regulation since the introduction of the post-registration education (Prep) standards in 2001. It is an exciting prospect, but some people consider it daunting: it need not be.
In this article, David Foster outlines what it means for you.
To paraphrase Supertramp, ..'it came all the way from America...'
The Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTiP) is essentially a planned trade pact currently being negotiated between the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA). If it comes to fruition it will become the world’s largest bi-lateral trade agreement.
The central objective of TTiP is to remove regulatory barriers to trade for big business including food safety law, consumer protection standards, environmental legislation and the sovereign powers of individual states.
In this article, Daniel Legg outlines what this means for the NHS