Issue 5
Out Of The Ordinary

The @ProudToNurse Twitter camapign and the #mynameis...  and the 6Cs are gaining traction in the nursing and clincian community, with jolly good reason. Here at PCNR we support the philosophy of these actions and are planning to feature updates in each isssue. But behind these are passionate people who generally are unsung. In this article, Maria Davison explains why she is @ProudToNurse

Issue 5
Out of the Ordinary

The 6Csy day held at Leicester racecourse last month was an unexpected 7 hours of pure enthusiasm, passion and pride about nursing from nurses. Joan sought to re-ignite the spirit of caring, and succeeded beyond expectation. Here both he and Deborah share their thoughts on the day.

Issue 5
Out Of The Ordinary

Are you keen to help children develop their resilience, self-esteem and confidence so they can improve their emotional health and well-being and learn some key skills for creating their own happiness?  In this article, Kate H-N the author of the Brockley Bank tales, outlines how the adventures of Eric the Oracle can help develop the emotional health of children.

Issue 5
Out Of The Ordinary

Having come from a background in art (I was a Deputy Director at Sotheby's auction house), I definitely never thought I’d end up becoming an undertaker! Poppy Mardall, founder of Poppy's Funerals believes that the nursing profession has such an important role to play in allowing people to talk openly about dying and what happens after death. In this article, she explains why she moved into the business and how a colourful, personalised funeral can make all the difference to grieving family and friends.